This section is intended to serve as an information and education resource for patients with vascular conditions of the brain, face, and spine.  While our group treats a variety of diseases, we are including information on those where 1) we have a particular expertise and 2) where we feel reliable information may not be readily available on the Internet.  You can either select the condition in question on the left-sided menu, or from the list below.  Please understand that all information provided here is for general purposes only, as detailed in the “Disclaimer” section.
Should you need more information, or if you are a patient wishing to make an appointment, you can write to me directly or call the office, both of which are listed in the “Contact Us” section. Our group at the NYU Langone Medical Center is one of the premier neurointerventional centers in the world.
Spinal Vascular Conditions
Brain Vascular Conditions