Case Courtesy Drs. Eytan Raz and Howard Riina
We have multiple examples of missed dural fistulas (spinal dural fistula parent page here). Usually, the solution is to repeat the angiogram. However, advanced MRI can be quite helpful these days. See below
Initial angiogram is “negative”
A follow up high res MRI is done
CISS coronal imaging is key — the pathologic vein is obvious. Left L3 location is likely
Sequential images. Radicular vein marked by arrows. L3 nerve by dashed arrows. Notice that the vein is quite away from — not on surface of — the nerve
L3 (conjoined) angio. Vein marked by arrow
Prior angio is below. what is the problem? Imaging was not done long enough to see the vein — note lack of vertebral body blush.
Back to current angio — coil off the muscular branch and place microcatheter in right position
Glue cast on the rightmost image
Delayed post MRI