With Dr. Vera Sharashidze
Wallstent is as close as it comes to a perfect neurovascular implant. It’s simple, versatile, cheap, and successful. Has basically not changed in over 2 decades — like a shark or a horseshoe crab — an evolutionary success in little need of further improvement…
Actually there are a number of things that can be better in the Wallstent, but still… Its a cult classic.

Carotid loop is a common site of dissections. Patient presented with distal emboli (right image)

Base camp is good support. Shuttle 8F is better. BMX 81 laser-cut design is excellent at taking curves and locking itself in place to allow for support. Tip of BMX is in the vertical petrous segment. Wallstent is more navigable than most laser-cut stents. Once its up (left images), pulling back on BMX straightens the carotid loop (right images)

We ballooned the mid-segment with a 4×15 maverick. Didn’t save images. What is abnormal on these images to prompt a DYNA?

DYNA post — price to pay for mechanical and pharmacologic thrombectomy

Bleeding stopped spontaneously