By now, Basic and Advanced Neurovascular ANAtomy (BANANA) course speaks for itself. If you are a neurovascular trainee or practitioner of any background, we hope to see you in BANANA and the online BANANAZ version.

The mission of BANANA is to advance mastery of neurovascular anatomy and neurointervention (see 2024, 2022, and 2019 program brochures for insight into the program and faculty). It provides a unified way of seeing neurovascular anatomical knowledge — normal and pathologic — through a functional spectrum approach, emphasizing flow-based understanding of vascular supply and drainage. This approach is a continuation of the “Functional Neuroanatomy” system championed by the great Pierre Lasjaunias.

March 13-15 — BANANA ALICE  — Directed by Prof. Rene Chapot, the ALICE course is a must for anyone serious about neurointervention.  Featuring extremely complex and educational live cases and discussion.  This year, BANANA was represented at ALICE with talks by Drs. Eytan Raz, Michihiro Tanaka, and Maksim Shapiro on basilar perforators and Cone Beam CT in preoperative evaluation/embolization of complex skull base lesions.  Check out ALICE and its amazing and totally free case archives.

The course is dedicated to the personal and professional legacy of Dr. Kittipong Jack Srivatanakul (1973-2022), known as Dr. Kittipong. Among his myriad contributions, Kittipong was instrumental in getting BANANA off the ground in 2019 as core faculty. His death in 2022 is a wound that will never heal. It also happens that Kittipong was Pierre’s last fellow.

The complementary online BANANAZ series (dedicated BANANAZ page) started during the pandemic. It is a maximally interactive forum where everyone can present cases and share knowledge. Prior sessions are available on and future info is on BANANAZ page