MMA Recurrent Meningeal Artery Variant Collateral Embolization

Left subdural hematoma — history of remote surgery on the right side (meningioma)

For background anatomy, see Ophthalmic, Middle Meningeal , and Intrinsic Dural Arterial Vasculature pages for more info

Recurrent meningeal artery territory

Shuttle 6F 80 cm.  DAC 038.  Headway Duo/Synchro 14 soft

Headway duo 167 wedge position

nBCA:Lipidol 1:4

A few other proximal connections.  Scepter Mini is used to ensure flow control. Headway would not achieve that in this proximal position

More penetration into frontal territory of recurrent meningeal via primary intradural anastomoses

Post ICA — stagnation in the recurrent meningeal artery

See Ophthalmic, Middle Meningeal , and Intrinsic Dural Arterial Vasculature pages for more info